Vitamin C: Miracle in a Bottle

by Tomiris Issayeva April 29, 2020

image of lemons

Is it worth investing in a few ounces of an alleged Miracle, also known as Vitamin C? Perhaps, given the laundry list of all the ways in which it benefits the skin.

In a nutshell, Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals, thereby repairing damaged skin cells and promoting skin regeneration. This function is particularly important when it comes to photoprotection from UV light and prevention of premature skin aging. But the advantages of Vitamin C go well-beyond its antioxidant status. For instance, topical Vitamin C accelerates collagen and elastin production due to its acidic nature. Indeed, studies have shown that Vitamin C stabilizes collagen helices through hydroxylation. Meanwhile, skin discolorations like hyperpigmentation can brighten and eventually go away entirely with continued topical application of Vitamin C, all thanks to its ability to inhibit melanogenesis. In the same vein, topical use of Vitamin C has a magical ability to accelerate wound healing: At a wound site, the vitamin’s levels deplete quite rapidly, primarily because the wound healing process requires more than normal turnover of Vitamin C that is working hard as a co-factor for the synthesis of collagen. 

How can you incorporate Vitamin C into your skincare routine? A general consensus is that its most effective product form is serum. Nevertheless, other water-based and Vitamin C-containing products, including face masks and body scrubs, can also deliver many of the vitamin’s wonders. Nina’s Moringa Rose Detox Polish is infused with Vitamin C does not only soften the skin but also improves collagen production and reduces free radicals all thanks to its essential ingredient, Vitamin C. 

Many skincare brands choose to specifically produce Vitamin C serums, while some couple the antioxidant with other equally potent nutrients for a multiplied effect. In fact, experts argue that utilizing Vitamin C with other antioxidants like Vitamin A (retinol) and especially Vitamin E can dramatically increase its effectiveness. As such, a combination of Vitamin C and Vitamin E can double the protection against UV damage. LaBruna Skincare makes a homemade Natural Retinol Face Serum that is rich in Vitamin A (retinol) and is enhanced with Vitamins C, E, and D, bringing out the skin’s luminous appearance.

Another potential upside of employing Vitamin C in conjunction with other ingredients is a lower concentration of the ascorbic acid – an allergen that can affect those with sensitive skin when administered in high amounts. If that is the case, then Nina’s Nourishing Face Oil might largely benefit your skin as it is packed with potent vitamins and antioxidants.  

Try it: Vitamin C is a wonderful product that may leave you with an improved complexion and a smoother skin tone. 


  1. Pullar, Juliet M; Carr, Anitra C; Vissers, Margreet C. M. The Roles of Vitamin C in Skin Health. PubMed. August 2017.

  1. Michels, Alexander J. Vitamin C and Skin Health Linus Pauling Institute. Oregon State University. September 2011.

  1. Rippon, Remy. How To Correctly Incorporate Vitamin C Into Your Beauty Routine. Vogue Australia. November 2019.

Tomiris Issayeva
Tomiris Issayeva


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