The Truth About Sun Damage And What You Can Do About It

by Sara Kalet-Schwartz July 16, 2019

Image of woman lying on the beach in the sun

Sunscreen is proven to be the most effective product in protecting our skin from the sun's powerful rays for people of all skin types and ages. Yet, the majority of Americans have been shown to overlook the importance of using sunscreen. There is a misconception that applying sunscreen is limited to a beach or pool day. Unfortunately, the negative impacts that the sun can have on our skin is present every single day. While it is important to apply large amounts of sunscreen on days when you will be out in the sun for a long period of time, applying it to your skin every day regardless of the forecast is a habit everyone should consider. Our skin is extremely vulnerable, and in order to live a long healthy life it is important to understand the effects of the sun and how to protect yourself from it. 

Protecting your skin from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays and understanding the mechanics is the first step. There are multiple types of UV radiation and they all can damage your skin. UVC is the least dangerous because it is not seen as a high risk factor for skin cancer. It is most commonly found in handmade utilities, such as mercury lamps, welding torches and have been used in tanning beds. UVA is known to penetrate the second layer of skin and associated with prematurely aging skin by causing wrinkles, sun spots and fine lines. UVA rays have the ability to pass through clouds and glass, so even if you are inside a vehicle, or in front of a window with no blinds, then your skin will receive damage. Unlike UVA, UVB rays can not penetrate through glass, but is still guilty of causing the majority of sun burns. It affects the top layer of your skin and is strongly correlated with skin cancer. That being said both UVA and UVB rays can lead to skin cancer, but UVB rays damage your skin’s DNA and can inflict a sunburn on unprotected skin in as little as 15 minutes. It is highly recommended to use a broad type of sunscreen in order to protect your skin from both types of UV rays. 

Knowing that UVA rays can negatively impact your skin regardless of clouds and glass means that applying sunscreen daily is the best way to protect your skin from aging fast and skin cancer.

There is some good news if you already have some sun damage and that is our ability to reverse some of our skin's damage through the power of antioxidants! Antioxidants such as the ones found in plant extracts reverse photo-aging, improve fine lines, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation. Some have anti-carcinogenic properties that may help prevent skin cancer. Antioxidants are molecules which fight free radical damage or unstable molecules that can harm our cells. Antioxidants act as extra electrons to balance unpaired electrons and therefore neutralize the molecule. Every product sold at LaBruna Skin Care offers an array of antioxidant rich ingredients.

For an everyday product containing sunscreen and antioxidants we recommend using our Tinted Physical Sunscreen.

Some tips to recall when using sunscreen:

  • Snow, sand and water reflect UV rays, therefore are more potent when they hit your skin.
  • SPF 30 will provide an adequate amount of protection (96%) and increasing the dosage raises that percentage minimally. 
  • Apply one ounce of sunscreen to your entire body, which is equivalent to the size of a shot glass, 15-30 minutes before going outdoors and it is recommended to re-apply every 2 hours.
  • Do not forget to apply sunscreen on your scalp, neck, ears or feet.

Sara Kalet-Schwartz
Sara Kalet-Schwartz


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